Racheal Chagonja

Activist Type

Racheal Chagonja is a Tanzanian environmental and peace activist who founded the K-Project for Peace to oppose uranium mining and nuclear weapons. A major goal for the K-Project was to raise public awareness in Africa of the severe humanitarian threat uranium mining poses. In 2015 Racheal and her team climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro to symbolize the difficult yet achievable goal of a world free of nuclear weapons within her generation.

Chagonja has gone on to serve as the executive director of HakiRasilimali, an organization that formulates and changes policies and laws that govern the extractive industries in Tanzania. Racheal has continued her work and is now the CEO of the National Council of Non-Governmental Organizations-Tanzania. 

Artwork by
Nickson Kimaro

­­Kitenge is a renowned fabric in East Africa. It is often adorned with individuals’ faces to congratulate and celebrate their accomplishments. Rachael is deserving of being depicted on a Kitenge fabric.

United Republic of Tanzania

United Republic of Tanzania Flag
December 9, 1961
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