Rafael Marques de Morais

Activist Type

Rafael Marques de Morais is a courageous Angolan journalist and anti-corruption activist acclaimed globally for his extensive reporting on conflict diamonds and governmental corruption in Angola. Despite facing adversity and imprisonment for his outspoken critiques of the Angolan regime, Marques persists in his fight against injustice. He currently leads the anti-corruption watchdog Maka Angola.

 Throughout his career, Marques has been internationally recognized for his dedication to truth and justice, receiving prestigious awards such as the Percy Qoboza Award, the Civil Courage Prize, the Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Award, and the Allard Prize for International Integrity, among others. His pursuit of accountability serves as an inspiration to journalists and activists worldwide.

Artwork by
Joana Taya

I have used the reference of an African Fabric Pattern. In Angola, this fabric is used in daily life and is a symbol of the identity and cultural tradition of the country. I also kept a black-and-white portrait illustration of Rafael Marques de Morais to resemble a newspaper visual related to his journalism career.


Angola Flag
November 11, 1975
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